Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Imposter Phenomenon

 As we had our class on Impostor Syndrome, I knew I had it from the start. I have always felt inadequate when it comes to test or projects throughout my life. As we draw near the end of OT school, I get the feeling more and more as we start our clinical rotations. I have received great feedback from my clinical instructors from previous fieldwork opportunities, but I still feel like I am an "impostor" in our field. When I took the Impostor Syndrome test and scored an 82 which states that I have intense impostor phenomenon experiences and I believe that to be true. The article that we had to read is going to help me as we start our first level II fieldwork placement I want to implement the five steps into my daily routine. I feel like if I do this, I will stop having the impostor syndrome as much. I think it is really important to self reflect in times that we are about to face because we should know that we have worked hard to be at the point we are currently. I think creating a list of accomplishments is a great way to show yourself that you can do it because you've done so much before. Accepting compliments is hard for me and that is something I hope I can work on soon. I plan to try to seek more mentorship opportunities so I can have a person to talk to when I start feeling like an impostor in our field.  I have such a great passion for OT and I need to remember that when the impostor syndrome sets in. I know I have done all the work I can to prepare to start my journey and I know that there will still be a lot for me to learn once I get out into the field. I am glad that we had this class topic because it made me realize how hard I am on myself and that I need to do better. We have made it to the end of our didactic school portion and I should be very proud of my accomplishments!!

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