Saturday, May 9, 2020

Man from the South

This was an interesting story to read about. We know that the story took place in 1948. Things were a lot different in terms of occupation for men and women in 1948. If the man had lost the bet, then he would have trouble doing his daily occupations. He thought it was a fair bet because he felt like he didn't use his pinky in his daily life activities. If the soldier would have lost, I believe he would have had many difficulties in his occupation as a soldier. He would have difficulty in shooting a gun, using a knife if they trained with those, and even his daily physical training that soldiers have to do. He would lose his grip strength when he looses his pinky. It is very important for a soldier to have good grip strength especially if he is a naval soldier. Being a Naval soldier, it is assumed that they have to do a lot of maintenance on the ship. There is a lot of cleaning of the boat, getting sails ready, and also tying ropes for sail. I think the soldier would have trouble in performing those skills because he wouldn't have the hand strength that he used to have. He would have to modify the way he learned how to tie ropes, how to fix the sails, and preparing the boat for sail. I believe the soldier would have a harder time adjusting to the loss of his finger than he expected. I was shocked to see how the story ended. I did not expect the wife to come in the room before the bet was over. I also didn't expect to find out she only had a thumb left on one hand. A woman's role in that time period was to be a wife. Most of her occupations would include cooking, cleaning, gardening, and taking care of her husband. It would take a lot of practice to adapt to cooking or cleaning with basically one hand. She would have to learn how to cook easy recipes that don't require you to do multiple things at one time. Since it stated that the woman was wealthy, she could hire someone to cook for her so it would be easier. Her daily routine of getting ready had to change tremendously. The first time we were introduced to the wife, we see she was coming back from getting her hair washed. I think that shows that she is not able to do it herself anymore or that it is too hard for her so she would rather pay someone to do it for her. Something that I think the wife could invest in since she had a lot of money is a multiple shower head. I think it would be helpful if she had three different shower heads, one up top and two on the sides. I feel like it would help the wife by being able to rinse her hair better. I feel that if the wife could get ready on her own, she would feel better about herself and feel more independent again. We can tell that she may regret betting to lose her fingers since she had to move her husband away from their home and stopped the soldier from losing his finger. I feel as if she thought her fingers weren't important just like the soldier did.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lexie! I like how you discussed each character. I am interested on what ways do you think the sailor could learn to tie ropes differently. I also did not put 2 and 2 together when it came to the wife coming from getting her hair washed. She probably cannot wash her own hair due to her finger amputations. I know that just makes things so much harder and inconvenient for her, and it is probably all because of her husband.
