Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The Honor Code

 UTHSC has an honor code in place to help keep our school accountable and trustworthy. I read the honor code in detail from our school's website. I am so honored to go to a school where they take pride in enforcing the honor code for each department. I think our department has three honor code counselors (students) that report any suspicious activity to the honor code representative (faculty member) for our department. I think it is so important now more than ever that the school tries to reinforce the honor codes. It can be so easy for students to cheat since we are distance learning for the time being. If test are not proctored, then it is very easy for a student to cheat. I think it is important that every professor emphasize the importance of following the honor code daily and especially before a test or quiz. It is also the responsibility of each student to have the respect to uphold the honor code since we each had to sign it before starting school. If they do not uphold it, the person they hurt the most is themselves. I believe our department does a fantastic job of emphasizing the honor code and reminding us of how important it is. I pray that as we continue to earn our degree's from home that each student will remember the code that they signed and that it is important to uphold it. We should want to do our part in making our school and department honest and trustworthy to others. 

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